Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Tonight we had our ward Pinewood Derby competition. They put us into teams and assigned a team captain and gave that team captain a block of wood. I knew that my team captain wasn't going to do anything so I had my mom send out one of Nate's old cars. I should have come in at least 3rd place (not 4th) and it was super unfair that the car the took me out of the finals was just a stupid block of wood car that was WAY over the weight limit.... but am I bitter? no no, it's just a friendly competition (but I HATE cheaters)

Anyways, here are some of the super fun cars there were tonight:

Noah's Arc Car

 Oscar Mayer Car- believe it or not this car was really fast
 This car was one of my favorites because it had our school's logo lazered onto it
This car was pretty sweet because it actually had light up headlights 

This was Aaron's team car... it had three wheels. It never made it to the end of the track during its races lol.

This car was fun and had lots of sparkles... I don't remember how it did out there on the track though

The 'Bad to the Cone' Ice Cream Truck. SOO cute and SOO original 

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