Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day. And for the last 17 days, for some reason, I have been waking up in a panic thinking... oh my goodness, is today St. Patrick Day? I don't know why, I haven't really ever thought much of this holiday... But I think to celebrate today I will go get some cream soda in a glass bottle, wear the cute green hair clip my mom gave me and watch the Disney Channel Original Movie- Luck of the Irish haha.

My mom had this cassette tape (yes, cassette tape... not CD) full of children's songs and we would listen to it all day, all the time, when we were in the car. These are the lyrics to the St. Patrick's Day song (and my mom's current facebook status):
 Today is the day for the wearin' o the green
 Today is the day when the little people are seen
 Today is St. Patrick's Day, so if you're Irish me lad
 Join the celebration for the grandest time to be had! 

In Chicago (the place where my family currently lives), every year they dye the Chicago River Bright Green!
Chicago has been dying their river every St. Patty's Day since 1962! I'd like to think that there is a little Irish blood in me, but I don't think there is.

Growing up my mom would tell us to leave our shoes out so that the leprechauns would come and leave money in our shoes. Last night I left my crocs out and I'm sad to say (but not surprised) there were no pennies left in my shoe. I googled this tradition earlier today and couldn't find anything... maybe my mom made up this tradition! Haha.

Another thing my mom used to do growing up would be to dye our scrambled eggs green and she would also take us to the library and have us check out  stories.

My favorite St. Pattty's Day story is this one:
There is a story of a man who once tricked a leprechaun into revealing the whereabouts of his valuables. The treasure was located beneath a bush in a large field surrounded by other similar shrubbery. The man needed to go off and get a shovel for which to dig up the treasure, so he tied a red ribbon to the bush so he could identify it on his return, and made the leprechaun promise not to take it off. Convinced he was more clever than the leprechaun and had secured his gold, he made off to get his shovel. On his return however, much to his dismay, he found that the little creature had tied a red ribbon on every other bush in the field.
Author Unknown.

So be careful today! Don't let a leprechaun fool you!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! What memories! Remember those leprechan hats I made you and Jannie years ago???? :)
